PRESENTATION is curated by One Eyed Studios Rockella Space Member Karryl Eugene and opening during the Brown Bears Open Studio event on May 10th, 2024
Location: Brown Bears Studios
1660 E New York Ave, NY,
Curator: Karryl Eugene
Exhibition Opening:
May 10th, 6-9pm
Exhibition Dates:
May 11th & 12th, 12-6pm
May 18th & 19th, 12-6pm
May 25th & 26th, 12-6pm
Presentation is an art exhibition showcasing the works of Trevor Warren, SaCha Stewart-Coleman, Samba Jean-Baptiste, and Karryl Eugene. The exhibited works encompass a diverse range of mediums including sound, painting, sculpture, and interactive art. This exhibition is dedicated to championing emerging artists who focus on themes such as observation, creation in the information age, cultural exchange, exploration of material, and introspection. Presentation