Tiffany Wilson and Carlos Feitoza are a collaborative duo based in Brooklyn, New York. Read our insightful interview with this sound-based couple and their experience having a studio at Rockella Space.

Tell us your name and who you are.
Tiffany: My name is Tiffany Wilson and I’m married to…
Carlos: Carlos Feitoza.
Tiffany: …and we are Musicians and Artists. I am a Music Educator as well as a Vocal Producer.
Carlos: I am a Sound Engineer, Music Producer, and artists in our own rights. Together we do everything from songwriting sessions to music education.
Carlos: And Podcasts. We have been recording Podcasts for almost 5 years.
Tiffany: Yeah, so you come to us with a podcast idea that you want to produce and…
Carlos: And then we do the recording, editing, and mixing.
How long have you been with us at Rockella Space?
Tiffany: We have been at Rockella Space for almost four years now and it has been something that we really love and cherish. We’ve built a beautiful loft in our space. I say ‘we’ but it’s Carlos who built it. It’s like another space in our unit to just really maximize all the space for different things. We have a songwriter’s loft and below, we have our mixing studio and mixing board.
Carlos: We juggle many things so the space has to accommodate all that.
Tiffany: We have a live drum set inside our space so sometimes, when we have to record a little drums, we have it right there. And when we are not doing that, we can stack them over to the side and decorate them for photoshoots or videos. We love that we have a space at Rockella. It’s been great.

Is this your first workspace?
Carlos: Together?
Both Carlos & Tiffany: Yeah, this is our first workspace together.
And how has having a workspace at Rockella Space helped you along your creative path?
Tiffany: Having this workspace has really helped us in that we can leave our home life and separate it from our work life.
Carlos: To be able to have a space to invite other people to come and collaborate makes it all a bit more professional. It’s also great to be in a space that already has other artists and other creative people working here. Knowing that you can bounce off people in the corridor sometimes and meet new people that are also a part of this space, is so valuable.
Have you managed to network with other Rockella Space Creatives?
Carlos: I haven’t fully worked with other people in the building but we know several other engineers and musicians that work in the building, especially in the same hallway. So, shout out to them. So it’s been fun to exchange ideas, seek technical advice, and things like that.
Working for yourselves, have you developed any routines?
Tiffany: That’s a great question. We are our own bosses, right, and so we have to come up with our morning, afternoon, and evening routines. There are two of us so sometimes we have to compromise and say “Hey, I’m going to take the studio in the morning and I’ll leave it for you in the afternoon” or vice versa.
Carlos: Yeah it really depends from project to project.

Where do you find inspiration?
Tiffany asking Carlos: Where do you find inspiration?
Carlos: Oh man. I find inspiration in everything and in everyday life. I am also a Pastor and to me, to think of relationships is just awesome. Relationships are just inspirational.
And are you a night owl or an early bird?
(Both laugh)
Tiffany: I would say you are the early bird (pointing to Carlos)…
Carlos: And you are the night owl.
Tiffany: I am the night owl..
Carlos: So we meet for lunch!
Any future plans for your work?
Tiffany: Yeah, I am releasing my first single in about three to four years. And I recorded everything in our Rockella studio. I’ve been mixing it and I’ll be releasing it in about a month or so. I’m excited.

Professionally, what is your goal?
Carlos: I think professionally, I can put it all into different categories but it all kind of encompasses the same thing. Coming from the inspiration of relationships and everyday life, as a Songwriter, is to express those things. Music, ah and at the same time collaborating with other people which used to be the fastest way to do anything. So I guess for us it’s to get to know more people and collaborate together, to create new things together. That expresses just the fullness of life that should be, you know?
What is the most difficult part of being an artist?
Tiffany: Being your own boss might be the most difficult part. I’ve always been like, do it myself, you know. So when we were allowed to book shows and play live pre-Covid, that was all on my own. I was like, ok, I got to book a show. I gotta reach out to booking agents. And when it comes to having the money to do photoshoots or videos, I had to save or apply for grants. There’s a lot of work that goes into being your own artist. But I think, apart from, maybe, the business transactions side of it, the part that means being an artist for me, is just remembering that I am one. Everyday. Waking up and being like, ok, I’m an artist. When I create, I just want to keep creating. Even if it’s not the same medium as music, for instance, I also love to cook. And when I am making a meal, I am also an artist there in the kitchen, too.

What was the last meal you cooked?
Tiffany: This morning, I mean it was pretty simple but I just made a really nice veggie broth with potatoes. It’s a homemade veggie broth so I use like a hundred different types of vegetables. And then I place soft-boiled eggs on top. Easy.
What are three words that best describe the vibe of your work?
Tiffany: Hmmmm, relational. It’s true. It’s all about relationships.
Carlos: Intentionality.
Tiffany: Creativity?
Carlos: Yeah.
What is your spirit animal?
Carlos: I think my spirit animal is definitely an elephant. Quiet but…
Tiffany: He can make noise if he wants to.
(Both Laugh)
Tiffany: My spirit animal would be a horse. I love the freedom that a wild horse has. I think that is ultimately my spirit.
Carlos: So as an elephant, I will catch up with you eventually.
(Both Laugh)